Monday, April 25, 2011

Heading in the right direction...

I figured I would write a few lines to update those of you who haven't heard about my newest zoo development.  I applied for a "keeper assistant" opening through the volunteer dept at the Denver Zoo a couple of weeks ago. (Yes, I am already a volunteer, but they make you put in an app for this particular activity).  To be clear, this is strictly volunteer hours, not a job.  I was accepted, and placed in the bear, sheep, coati and a few other random animals area.  I will be helping the keepers out on the 1st and 3rd Mondays each month.  This should allow me to meet a few more ppl in the animal care areas, which will prove beneficial I hope.  Thankfully my supervisor at the vet hospital is open to working around these days without a fuss. 
Speaking of the hospital, everything is continuing to work out well so far.  I am really enjoying working with people who have such unconditional love for their pets.  It is rewarding to be a part of a team that provides quality care for these animals.  I am learning the doctors, and who can be pressed for answers, and who is better left alone. (One particular technician seems to hate the world, including everyone who works with them.) 
We are still struggling a bit with daycare.  I am frustrated that the kids are not getting consistent care from the same person.  I am trying really hard to be understanding of our provider and allow her to put her son first in his road to recovery.  However, I have to put MY kids first, and having fill-ins and working around our providers schedule is proving to be a hassle.  I am willing to tough it out though, so long as things calm down before too long. 
Well, Paul finally went to the Dr. to see about his allergies.  This is after he suffered through a solid month of misery.  They didn't do too much for him, other than recommend some OTC items.  However he seems to be better.  On the other hand, I am now dealing with a cold, which of course had to come just in time for Easter!  At any rate, it is spring, and we just got a solid rain.  Things are blooming and I am determined not to let this cold bring me down!!
I hope everyone else is enjoying their spring as well.  Until next post....

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Long time no write!

So I have pretty much fallen off the face of the blog world.  I guess that's what happens when you start a new job!  I figured I better stop by and write a quick update...

First of all, the job is going great.  I am learning a lot about how a vet hospital runs, and all the components necessary to make it successful.  I am finding that Community Pet Hospital (CPH) is a great place to work, and a great place to bring your animals.  Although I miss working directly with animals, I feel that I am fulfilling an important role.  I am waiting to hear back from the Denver Zoo in regards to becoming a Keeper Asst.  This would be a couple days a month, and I would be assisting keeper prepare diets and other duties that would free them to do more training or enrichment with their animals.  I know at Cameron Park Zoo it was always nice to have volunteer help so that we could be more productive.

On an unrelated note, my wonderful mother-in-law took myself, the kids and their cousins along with Paul's sister to see Disney on Ice here in Denver.  It was a Princess spectacular!!  I am so grateful to Nana for giving the kids an opportunity to see the show.  This was the first time I had been to an ice show I and I will say it was a lot of fun!!  I was impressed with the props they used, and the kids were certainly enthralled!!

We also took Ben to his first Taekwondo tournament.  We are so proud of his accomplishments!!  Ben has learned so much already, from blocks, punches and kicks to being respectful and improving his listening skills.  Ben's involvement as a "tiny tiger" in the tournament was limited of course, but it gave him the opportunity to watch the black belts spar, and see them display their skills with weapons.  And the rest of us were quite entertained too!  Below is a picture of Ben and the trophy he received for participating. 

Some of you may know that we've had to rearrange our daycare the past two weeks.  The provider we chose (whom we LOVE) had a family emergency- her son was involved in a motorcycle accident.  We have decided that Denise is just too fabulous to pass by, and are therefore more than willing to make other arrangements while she fulfills her role as supporting mother to a young man who truly needs his mother during this horrible experience.  It is unclear as of yet whether he will be able to pull through without major issues.  He has some brain trauma and his lungs collapsed after the accident.  It seems that each day is different, but the fact that he is alive is a miracle in itself.  We are doing our best to support Denise and wish her and her family the best of luck in recovering from this tragedy. 

On a lighter note, tomorrow is my first payday!!!  Yay for the opportunity to work hard and be rewarded for it!  The past couple weeks has required a lot of adjustments for everyone, but I feel we are moving in the right direction.  All in all we are very blessed to both be working, and to be back in the wonderful state of Colorado surrounded by loving family and friends.  Until the next post... take care!!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Well, I made it through my first week at the vet clinic!!  I didn't break the computer or get cussed at by a doctor!  In all seriousness, all the staff I have met so far have been pretty friendly, and the "client care" team (who I work right next to) are pretty awesome.  I feel really good about the training thus far, and am doing my best to learn quickly so I can be useful.  Next week I will be working some late shifts, so I should see more of the "emergency" end of the hospital.  Truth be told I have already been exposed to several euthanasia's, and while it is very sad, I have been able to stay focused, and not get emotional about it.  Part of having a pet is saying good-bye to them at some point. 
I also went to a quick training at the zoo today for the "Keeper Assistant" role for volunteers.  They have a few openings in several of the animal areas.  This is a weekly or 2x/month commitment, and the duties are cleaning and diets,etc depending on the area.  This would give me some exposure to the animal care staff, and help me get some volunteer hours.  It is a competitive program to some extent, since it is a popular activity for volunteers.  However, I have a leg up because of my previous keeper experience, so I feel pretty confident.  I will be talking to my boss this coming week to see if he can accommodate this commitment with my work schedule. 
The kids did great at daycare this past week.  They seem to be pretty comfortable with Denise, the provider we chose.  Of course they are trying to figure out their boundaries with her, and learning some new rules.  Jocey told Denise that I allow her to have cereal for lunch, for example.  And Ben is not too sure about the preschool worksheets that she has her other kids do, so we are going slow with that at first.  All in all though, I feel pretty good about it, and I think the kids do too. 
Ben and Jo are still doing great with Teakwondo and dance.  Ben's first tournament is April 9th!!  He won't really be competing, but he will show off some of his knowledge with the other tigers in the program.  We will be sure to get some pictures of that.  Jo is learning a lot at dance, and can now recognize and demonstrate certain terms, such as arabesque and posse (sp?).  Her balance is improving and she is making a couple of good friends.
That it's for the Brown's right now!!  I hope everyone is doing well.  More updates to come soon, I'm sure!