Well, I totally had a moment of weakness tonight. And I am okay with that. Really. I think that all this being patient and working towards my goal can at times be very frustrating. I am so very blessed that I have a husband who would make everything better in an instant if he could, and who allows me to break down in his arms when I need to.
My only disclaimer is that it is my "ladies time" (ew, I know, but I felt it has to be said in my defense). So maybe this is why I am feeling stressed more than usual, who knows. The tip of the iceberg was making this healthy, supposedly gluten-free meal, only to put a soy sauce type dressing on it, and realizing after the fact that it contains wheat. Fabulous. (For those unaware, I am going gluten-free as a trial to see if some health concerns lessen). Well, guess what Doc, I sure as hell ate it anyway. I felt bad, but I think in light of everything else, I can made one blunder, right?
Anywho, I was feeling guilty I guess, and this got me kinda down, and then (remember folks, I am being womanly right now) I started feeling bad about other things too. Like how I still haven't heard back from the trainer of the Wildlife Show at the Denver Zoo, when she told me they would decide on their candidate by Thursday. So yes, I had me a little cry. At the dinner table.
Not one of my finer moments. But ya know what? It helped. A lot. My husband was there for me, and my babies got all concerned about mommy, and I felt good, like someone knows what I am worth and makes sure that I know it too. So even though I am still feeling a little sorry for myself, I have been more than reminded of what I do have to be grateful for.
So this is just a little bump in the road I guess. And I've seen my share of speed bumps and lived to tell the tale, so here's to hoping this story won't be any different.
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