Okay folks, it's time for me to share some good news. A lot has happened in the past two months since my last blog (ooops, sorry I've been lazy I guess), but I am going to focus on this past week. Those of you who have facebook know a little about the progress I've made towards getting hired at the Denver Zoo. I just wanted to share some of the networking opportunities I've had recently so you all can think lots and lots of wonderful thoughts for me.
First, on Tuesday I had the pleasure of re-meeting the Curator of Primates and Carnivores, and (meeting for the first time) the Carnivore Supervisor. The face to face was encouraged by one the the keepers that I have met during my time as a Keeper Assistant in the bear area. It was a positive experience that left me feeling very good about my chances of being hired. Both these individuals are very nice people, and they gave me a few minutes to discuss my background and then asked me a few questions. The carnivore supervisor said he would "flag my resume for review" and the curator promised she would pull out the notes from my previous interview to look over.
Today I went to the zoo for volunteer training for the new Asian Tropics exhibit that is slated to open next spring. We did a couple hours in a classroom setting then were allowed a behind the scenes look at animal holding areas and the exhibits. (If you don't know much about the new exhibit, check it out at
http://www.denverzoo.org/at/). It was AMAZING!! This project is absolutely incredible, and it is going to really put the Denver Zoo "on the map" as they say. Not only will this be the only holding facility in the US able to hold multiple bull elephants, but it is a completely state of the art, innovative design and it's 10 acres!! While in the new elephant building, I noticed a man that I thought may be the Curator of Asian Tropics, that I have heard a lot about. (I also know he has asked about me through some of the carnivore keepers). I introduced myself, and he was more than willing to talk with me. He even went as far as walking me through the rhino/tapir building, which was in fact blocked off to the other volunteers. He chatted with me about the logistics of the exhibit, including which animals were coming, when things would be ready to go, etc. I asked him about some of the building features, and he was happy to show me a few things. The rhino/tapir and the elephant buildings are a zookeepers DREAM!! We are talking HUGE stalls, fully hydrolic doors that work on a TOUCH SCREEN system, hoses that reel themselves in, multiple squeezes and built in scales, etc etc etc. I was practically drooling. (Yah, yah, some of you have no idea, but my keeper friends understand!)
Anyway, all in all I know that things are finally moving forward for me. I have had quite a few staff members acknowledge how competitive it is to get into Denver, but most are very encouraging and keep telling me to be persistent. I have no idea what the time table looks like, but I have waited this long, and I know I can wait longer if needed. At least now I can say that I have met several hiring managers, and things are looking promising. I can go to work at the vet hospital and think to myself, "Not much longer here, I can do it." And the thought of being back in the zoo after a long year is really comforting.